The Adobe Springs flow at a rate of 75,000,000 gallons per year, and contain 110 mg/L magnesium. Nearly all other American bottled spring waters contain less than 6 mg/L magnesium. This magnesium may prevent up to 40% of all heart disease. Two books mention Adobe Springs as one of the world's healthiest waters, thanks to the high magnesium content:
The Adobe Springs are located in western Stanislaus County in an area so remote that there are no schools or delivery of U. S. mail. The area is so mountainous that no bottling plant can be built at the springs, so the water is trucked out in "doubles" carrying 6,600 gallons per load. The owner is Paul Mason, who lives at the springs. He spends most of his time doing research on the health benefits of magnesium and lobbying for greater recognition by the FDA of the health benefits of magnesium in water.
The elevation at the Adobe Springs is 1,375 feet above sea level, which keeps the springs pure. At that elevation in such rocky terrain, there is no agriculture or industry using insecticides, herbicides, chemicals, no smog, or anything else. The area is a rugged wilderness, too steep for any development.
Adobe Spring Water's magnesium is in the healthful form of "magnesium bicarbonate", and there are many health benefits from the bicarbonate as well
If you Google the words "Radiation Sickness Magnesium" and "Radiation Sickness Bicarbonate", you will find many web pages affirming that Magnesium OR Bicarbonate is useful in treating or preventing radiation sickness.
There are six guidelines for determining if water is both healthy and appealing to consumers:
By these scientific standards, Adobe Springs' water is the best on Earth. Adobe Springs is located just 19 miles off I-5, west of Patterson, California, near the San Francisco Bay Area. Price is about 7.6 cents per gallon, billing $500 per tanker truckload.
About 60 million gallons per annum are still available.
2018 Title 21 Laboratory Report for the Adobe Springs
Adobe Springs contains a RARE 110 mg of magnesium per liter
Bi-Carbonate helps prevent many illnesses, as people become more acidic with age. "Magnesium Bi-Carbonate" is thus the ideal beverage due to both the magnesium, and the bi-carbonate.
This study focuses on the alkaline Adobe Springs:
An alkaline spring system within the Del Puerto Ophiolite
(California, USA): A Mars analog site
J.G. Blank
, S.J. Green
, D. Blake
, J.W. Valley
, N.T. Kita
, A. Treiman
, P.F. Dobson
SETI Institute, 515 N. Whisman Road, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA
NASA/Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA 94035, USA
Department of Geology and Geophysics, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI 53706, USA
Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, TX 77058, USA
Earth Sciences Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA 94720, US
This page was first uploaded to The Magnesium Web Site on September 30, 1995
PAUL MASON, Chairman of the Board
Tel. (408) 897-3023
Fax. (408) 897-3028